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child abuse

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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By Faith Bowen

Photo by Macnolete

I am writing about child abuse because I don't think it should ever happen.I think people should be aware because it is happening all over. Her novel made me want to tell people because someone that little should never have to go through that.

Photo by melstampz

News article
Jordan was abusive. He abused Gerald, Angel, and Monique. He was finally caught sexually abusing Angel he was sent off to jail. Later in that book he was abusing Gerald and Angel and the apartment caught on fire and they tried escaping. Jordan ran and Gerald and Angel escaped but they didn't see Jordan out there. They found out later when the firemen searched the apartment he was found dead in front of the door way. If there was a different book that carried the Storie along that happened I think they will turn out to be a happy family it may be like a roller coaster. They may have there ups and downs, but they'll get through. Monique will turn out to be a great mom and try to make up for what happened before in life.

1.)Physical abuse is just one type of child abuse. Neglect and no emotional abuse can be just damaging, and since there more subtle, others are less likely to intervene. 2.)some people think that it's only abuse if it's violent. 3.) A bunch of people don't think that child abuse happens in "good" families. 4.) some people think that physical punishment is the only was to control their child's behavior. 5.) most abuse is committed by someone the victim/survivor knows or trusts.6.) a bunch of people believe that it easy to identify the abuser. 7.) some people think that the parent wants to get rid of the child or doesn't love them. 8.) most children do not tell. Most abusers can be effective in making children's too fearful to tell anyone on what's happening. 9.) if the child doesn't report the abuse or run away it can't be that bad. 10.) A child can still love an abusive adults crave his/hers attention.

Character Analysis
Gerald has been facing abuse since he was three really, he handled it well when it was just his mom he didn't tell anybody but his aunt queen knew. He stayed with her for a while until his mom came out of jail and she had a boyfriend and a daughter. Her boyfriend was abusive. I Think it effected Gerald,because he was young. Now he looks after his sister because he knows that Jordan abuses her in different ways. He told someone be could trust about the abuse he told Mr.Washington. The told the police and they caught Jordan. I think basketball and his friends helped him so much like dance helped angel.

Call to action
I think to help stop the abuse is to tell someone call the police, tell a teacher, friends parents, family members. We as a city need to help all we can because there can be many tragedies coming from abuse. I think many people can help by just showing you care or be there for them when they need someone to be thee when they go through all of the court stuff.