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Published on Dec 21, 2015

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Photo by kjetikor

Random access memory (or simply RAM) is the memory in a computer that is used to store computer programs while they are running any information the programs need to do their job.

Information in the RAM can be read and written quickly in any order.

Usually, the RAM is emptied every time the computer is turned off. It is known as 'volatile memory'.

Photo by geerlingguy

ROM is a memory chip where essential system instructions (BIOS) are permanently stored.

The data held on ROM can be read but not changed. This is done during manufacturing.

ROM is non volatile, meaning that the data stored on it will not be lost when the computer is switched off.

Photo by R!!space

Cache is a form of memory.
It is used to speed up the way applications work.
For example, Internet Explorer uses a cache to store all the web pages that you have visited recently including all of the pictures, sounds, videos and so on. So, next time you visit that page it will check to see if it is available in the cache. If it is, then it will instantly load the page from the cache rather than having to download it again from the Internet. This makes it much faster when you browse the Internet as it doesn't have to fetch every single file every time.

Photo by RLHyde

Virtual Memory
This is a method of making a computer appear to have more primary memory than it has really has physically. For instance a PC might have 2Gb of RAM as primary memory, but virtual memory of 4Gb.
The operating system sets aside part of secondary storage - such as a hard disk or flash memory stick - to act as a temporary memory store. This area is called the 'Page File' or 'Swap File'. The operating system keeps a record of all the processes and data currently in main memory (RAM) and if it fills up too much, it will begin to store less-used chunks in the swap file located on disk. This chunk is called a 'page' and is sized so that it matches effectively with the sector size of the hard disk. All this work is done automatically by the operating system.
If even virtual memory is filling up, you may get a message popping from the task bar saying 'Your computer is low on virtual memory'. So it is time for you to close down a few applications.

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