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Email Marketing

Published on Dec 23, 2015

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Email Marketing

Photo by Josh Bancroft

Best Practices

  • Don't use words that may trigger spam filters such as "free"
  • Do use short and clear subjest lines that give the audience a reason to ope
  • the email 
  • Keep copy short and informative, you want your audience to be able to
  • gather the information they need to act on
Photo by [n]

Technical Obstacles

Photo by Wonderlane

Broken/missing Images-

  • May be due to the image not being uploaded correctly 
  • Sometimes broken images occurs on html emails as they are usually hosted on
  • the email and need to be downloaded by the recipient(some marketers try to 
  • limit the ammount of images they use to avoid this problem.
Photo by kevin dooley

Broken Layout

  • sometimes marketers need to consider users with smaller screens/devices
  • because of this marketers tend use html email templates to make sure images
  • fit and some marketers may use responsive design as well.
Photo by Werner Kunz