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Vitamin And Minerals

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Vitamins and Minerals

By Brandon Howard

The vitamin I chose is Biotin it is found in liver, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, bananas, and melons.

The vitamin biotin's main job is to help the body in the release of energy. It also helps in hair loss.

Biotin deficiency is a rare nutritional disorder which can become serious, even fatal, if allowed to progress untreated. Deficiencies can be caused by consuming raw egg whites over a period of months to years. Egg whites contain high levels of avidin, a protein that binds biotin strongly.

The mineral I chose is iron which can be found in red meats; seafood; green leafy vegetables; legumes; dried fruits.

Iron is needed for red blood cell functions, and also in a case of iron deficiency you can have heavy menstrual bleeding, or
are not getting enough iron in food. This can happen in people who need a lot of iron, such as small children, teens, and pregnant women.