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Paleolithic Age

Published on Nov 19, 2015

This was my presentation for my World History class on the Paleolithic age.


Paleolithic Age
From 2.5 million to 8,000 B.C.
By: Mikayla Whipple

Photo by m1ke_pearce


  • Around from 4 million to 1 million B.C.
  • They were found in southern and eastern Africa.
  • Their brain size was 500 cubic centimeters.
  • They were hominids, the first human like creature to walk upright.
  • "Lucy" discovered by Donald Johanson in Ethiopia Africa, 1974
Photo by Tim Evanson

Homo Habilis

  • Around from 2.5 million to 1.5 million B.C.
  • They were found in East Africa.
  • Their brain size was 700 cubic centimeters.
  • They were also the first ones to make stone tools.
  • Homo Habilis means "man of skill".
  • First one ever was found by Louis and Mary Leakey in 1960 in Tanzania, Africa.
Photo by Arian Zwegers

Homo Erectus

  • Around from 1.6 million to 30,000 B.C.
  • They were found in India, China, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
  • Their brain size was 1,000 cubic centimeters.
  • Homo Erectus translates to "upright man".
  • They became the first hominid to ever move from Africa, speaking, and make fire.
Photo by e_monk


  • Around from 200,000 to 30,000 B.C.
  • They were found in Europe and Southwest Asia.
  • Their brain size was 1,450 cubic centimeters.
  • They were the first to have burial rituals, beliefs, some sort of clothing, and live in caves.
  • They were very resourceful, developed rituals and different beliefs
  • Named after Neander Valley, Germany
-They were very resourceful, developed rituals and different beliefs.
-Although they were originally found in Germany, they were also found in Europe and Southwest Asia.
Photo by Kojotisko

Cro Magnon

  • Around from 40,000 to 8,000 B.C.
  • They were found in Europe.
  • Their brain size was 1,400 cubic centimeters.
  • They are classified as fully modern humans.
  • They also were the first ones to create art, plan their hunts, and study animal habits.
  • They hunted in groups.
Photo by Riebart

Survival tools

  • They used stone, bone, and wood to fashion more than 100 different items.
  • They used the knives they make to kill and butcher different animals.
  • They made anything from necklaces to sculptures of animals.
  • They used and ground mammoth tusk, seashells, lion teeth, and bear claws.


  • They made drawings and paintings on cave walls.
  • They used charcoal, mud and animal blood to make them.
  • In Africa, they engraved and painted on rocks, caves or rock shelters.
  • In Australia, they created paintings on large rocks.
  • They also made anything from necklaces to sculptures of animals.
Photo by davebloggs007


  • Hundreds of unidentified artifacts are stored in numerous rooms at a museum.
  • There are a lot of different cultures within the world.
  • Humans, and the early age people, are all hominids.
  • Right now in World History we are all learning about the Paleolithic Age.
  • Everybody nowadays uses technology, and it runs their lives.
1.)Artifact- Human made objects, such as jewelry and tools.
2.)Culture- A person's unique way of life.
3.)Hominid- Humans and other creatures that walk upright.
4.)Paleolithic Age- Ranged from 2.5 million until 8,000 B.C.
5.)Technology- Ways of applying knowledge, tools and inventions to meet their needs.
Photo by haagenjerrys