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Published on Dec 23, 2015

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"All Kids Should Be Treated Fairly and Equal" 


  • Autism was an "incurable disorder" 
  • Those with autism need to be treated with love and patience.
  • Not enough money is spent helping autistic kids.
  • Parents have to learn how to cope with these kids to help them.
  • Autistic kids are known as a "burden" to families. 
Photo by J.D. Thomas

Against Autism

  • Autism is an incurable disorder. They cannot be helped.
  • Even if we gave these kids love, they still throw tantrums. 
  • Money should not be spent on them if it's not going to help.
  • Parents do not need to cope, they are already stressed enough. 
  • Autistic kids and adults are a burden. We've heard it many times.
Photo by marsmet481

Although these kids don't know how to think for themselves, they don't listen, and have trouble learning, does not give anyone the right to put these innocent kids down. They are just like us, born the same, and have feelings and thoughts. People need to understand that as time goes on and they have patience, the right care, and teaching, anything can happen. People can make a difference.

Photo by matthileo