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January Bingo Project By Lucas

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Photo by heidigoseek


  • Nick an adventurous boy who brings a Dino egg through time
  • Summer, nick's level headed best friend
Photo by spencer77


  • Metropolitan Detroit
  • Nick's house and yard
  • Summers house and yard
  • Burger world in Detroit
Photo by With Any Luck


  • Two kids bring a Dino egg to the present because they think no one will believe them
  • The t-Rex egg hatches and he is on the loose
  • The Dino's parents come through the window through time and destroy Detroit looking for their baby
Photo by blavandmaster

Event 1

Nick hears of a time portal from his grandpa and decides to wait for the exact day it will open and goes back in time to the dinosaurs.
He picks up an egg and decides to bring it home.

Event 2
A few days later the egg hatches and a baby t-Rex gets loose and trashes the neighborhood looking for food.

Photo by naturalturn

Event 3
Nick must try to capture the baby before he destroys Detroit. Nick learns that the t-Rex likes cheesburgers. Summer buys cheeseburgers to lure the t-Rex into a trap.

Photo by Bob Jagendorf

Event 4
Just as nick and summer are about to lure the baby back through the window, his mom and dad come through searching for their baby. Nick and summer have to get lots more cheeseburgers to get all three back through the window before Detroit is completely destroyed.


Nick and summer lure the baby t-Rex and the parents follow the baby. Nick jumps through the window through time and the dinosaurs follow

Photo by Walraven

The theme of dinosaurs destroy Detroit is that if you don't think before you do something bad things will happen.
Nick brings an egg through time and it hatches and roams the city.
Buildings are knocked down.
Bigger dinosaurs enter the present and do more damage.