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Copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Photo by Werner Kunz


Photo by Leo Reynolds


Photo by kugel

Huck is kidnapped by his drunken father named Pap. Pap kidnaps Huck because he wants Huck's $6000. Huck was awarded $6000 from the treasure he and Tom Sawyer found in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This is something that would scar me but Huck is very strong.

Photo by aresauburn™

In chapter 19, When Huck and Jim are floating Down the river they approach two men who beg to get on the raft. They come to realize that these men are professional con artist, but doesn't call them out on it. This is an example how lying and keeping things to himself is most convenient.

Huck hears that Jim has been taken and sold, but he begins to question whether or not he should be helping a slave escape (Jim), but he soon decides that he is gonna help his friend, even if he "goes to hell". This is a great moral to have since Huck doesn't have much of a family he needs his friends and needs Jim to survive.

Photo by Kay Gaensler

After creating an eloborate plan, Tom and Huck free Jim, only to hear Tom say that Jim was free all along.
They should done research and scooped the place first.

Huck learns that there are people out to look for Jim on Jackson's Island, so Huck and Jim quickly leave.
They need to be carful with who is after them or they could end up dead.

After getting seperated, Huck stays with the Grangerfords for a few days, where he witnesses family rivalry and a death of his new found friend, Buck.
Family rivalries can get very mean and he needs to know when to pack up and leave when things get heated.

Photo by JoF


  • Mark was born November 30, 1835
  • He died on April 21, 1910
  • He grew up In Hannibal, Missouri Wichita is the setting of the book
  • He was friends with presidents, artists, industrialists, and European royalty.

Huck Finn ran into quite a bit of money at the end of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and now he is too stop being a street urchin and has to learn how to become a gentleman. Windhook becomes a little weary about his money he signs it all to judge Thatcher. Right after that Hucks' drunk deadbeat father shows up and kidnaps him demanding the money. Huck fakes his own death and sneaks off to a nearby island.

In this Island he meets a runaway slave named Jim who was avoiding being sold down south. Him and Jim will team up and make their way down the Mississippi River. Well on the Mississippi Jim and Huck meet two people on the shore who they pick up and it is quickly obvious that these people are con artist. They then tried to lead them on. They all were separated and Huck was then taken in by Grangerfolds. But he in was in the middle of a family feud and had to get out and find Jim. Jim had been taken down south where he was being held captive in a hut. Huck eventually meets up with Tom and they make a plan to break Jim out. Their elaborate plan goes down the toilet and Tom shot! The situation is out of control and Huck can't do anything. Right before Jim's execution Tom announces Jim has saved his life and he was put in Miss Watsons will.


  • Good for the most part book overall
  • 3 out of 5
  • This book plot was a little fuzzy. The points on the plot diagram could of been easier to identify.
  • The literature of this book was amazing. I could really relate to some parts.
  • I have read that this book is used in high school and colleges nation wide and that really doesn't surprise me