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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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A glacier is a large mass of ice which moves very slow, usually down a mountain valley.

Photo by angela7dreams


A plateau is a large area of high and flat land. A valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of formal land.

Sand dunes

A sand dune is a hill of sand near the sea or in a sand desert.


Erosion is the slow destruction and takes rock or soil in a particular area by rivers, the sea, or the weather. ...erosion of the river valleys.


A delta is an area of low, flat land shaped like a triangle, where a river splits and spreads out into several branches before entering the sea. ...the Mississippi delta.


to expose to the weather; dry, season, or otherwise affect by exposure to the air or atmosphere: to weather lumber before marketing it.

Photo by subarcticmike


A canyon is a long, narrow valley with very steep sides. ...the Grand Canyon.

Photo by Randy Pertiet


the state of being deposited or precipitated: deposition of soil at the mouth of a river.

U shaped valley

A valley is a low stretch of land between hills, especially one that has a river flowing through it. ...a wooded valley set against the backdrop of Monte Rosa.
A valley shaped like a U.

V shaped valley

A valley is a low stretch of land between hills, especially one that has a river flowing through it. ...a wooded valley set against the backdrop of Monte Rosa.
A valley shaped like a V.

Photo by Kay Gaensler