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Plessy vs Ferguson

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Plessy vs Ferguson


Brown vs Board of education

dealt with constitutionally of "separate is equal"

a mission of NAACP director of legal defense Thurgood Marshall personal mission was to end
segregation in public

6 children had the Supreme Court rule in their favor

Court stated that racial segregation of public schools violated the 14th amendment

Chief Justice stated the following "in the field of public education , the doctrine of separate
but equal has no place
major victory for civil rights movement

Resistance to court's decision

Byrd calls for massive resistance

pressure to local govs. and school boards to defy supreme court ruling

1955: Supreme Court states segregation must be done with all deliberate speed

1956: Southern Manifesto: signed by 101 Southern senators stating the court's ruling was a
"clear abuse of judicial power"

1969: wording would change from deliberate speed to AT ONCE

Rosa Parks

Location : Montgomery Alabama

Rosa refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on the bus- driver called police and she
was arrested

NAACP asked her if she minded if her case could be used to challenge segregation

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Outcome: Martin Luther King Jr
boycott organized by Jo Ann Robinson - head of Women's political group in Alabama
success :

Montgomery Improvement formed with MLK chosen to be leader

Martin luther king jr

encourage peaceful protesting because that was the moral way to end segregation

1957: SCLC organized -encourage African Americans to register to vote

SCLC: challenge segregation at voting booths, public transportation, housing


first president since Civil War to send troops to south 
actions by Presidents:
Truman: navy shipyards and veterans hospitals to be desegregated

Eisenhower: he sympathized with movement- thought segregation and racism would end gradually with changing values

Eisenhower: follows Washington Precedent and will and send troops to South

Little Rock Nine

September 1957
Central High School , Little Rock Arkansas
Governor Faubus defies Constitution by using state National Guard to oppose federal government

Eisenhower as well as order from district courts told Faubus to remove National Guard

Faubus "complied" BUT left the 9 students to the angry mob

Eisenhower sends 101 st Airborne Division - this division will stay for one year

Civil Rights Act 1957

Focus : Voting Rights 
1956: Eisenhower sends bill to Congress - protect African American voting rights

Eisenhower had a hidden agenda with the bill as well
1. split Democratic Party
2. African Americans would vote Republican

Outcome: Majority Leader and democrat Johnson creates compromise
Act creates:
1. Civil Rights Division in Dept. of Justice
2. seek injunction if voting rights violated

Sit in Movement

1960's Peaceful Protest 
Movement begins with 4 college students in NC

Feb. 1 1960: sit at counter at Woolworth's and demanded to be served

Next day 29 others join in - end of week 300

Start of Movement
2 months sit ins in 54 cities
1961: sit ins in 100 cities

Outcome : SNCC is formed and becomes an important civil rights group
SNCC part of voter education project

1964: KKK murders 3 SNCC members

Freedom Riders

1961 Alabama 
bus terminals still segregated

Governor Patterson was in favor of segregation

Freedom Riders: group of volunteers rode buses and faced violent confrontations in
Birmingham and Montgomery

Birmingham: volunteers face gang armed with chains. lead pipes, baseball bats

No Police there???? Public Safety Commissioner "Bull" Connor said it was "Mother's day"

FBI later reveals that Connor had local KKK attack riders

Freedom Riders

1961 Alabama 
bus terminals still segregated

Governor Patterson was in favor of segregation

Freedom Riders: group of volunteers rode buses and faced violent confrontations in
Birmingham and Montgomery

Birmingham: volunteers face gang armed with chains. lead pipes, baseball bats

No Police there???? Public Safety Commissioner "Bull" Connor said it was "Mother's day"

FBI later reveals that Connor had local KKK attack riders

Kennedy and Civil Rights

during his administration he appoints 40 African Americans to gov positions with one being

Thurgood Marshall
after Freedom Rider incident JFK suggested a "cooling off period" but it was rejected

riders in Mississippi did not encounter violence but were arrested

Robert Kennedy who ran the Justice Dept. took legal actions against segregated bus terminals

JFK: 1960- supported civil rights legislation but he needed southern senators to pass other

Violence in Birmingham

1963 Demonstrations Begin 
MLK start demonstrations which he knew might bring violence which he then thought would
encourage JFK to support civil rights

8 days later : MLK arrested
after his release from jail violence grew

police used dogs, fire hoses and clubs against protestors

May 2: Children's March and they were attacked as well

Governor Wallace

1963: U of Alabama 
Gov. Wallace inauguration speech :
" I draw a line in the dust.... and I say, Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation

June 11, 1963: Federal Marshalls had to order him to MOVE as he stood in front of U of
Alabama admissions blocking 2 students from enrolling

March on Washington DC

"I have a Dream "
250,000 gather at Lincoln Memorial

Why do you think they gathered at that historical monument?

Civil Rights Act signed into Law

July 2, 1964: President Johnson 
Civil Rights Movement
After JFK's assassination Johnson worked to get this legislation through Congress

This Law did the following:
1. segregation illegal in areas of public accommodations

2. all races/nationalities have access to public facilities

3. US attorney general power to bring lawsuits to force desegregation in schools & end
discrimination in work place

Selma march

January 1965
Dec 1964: MLK awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Jan 1965: MLK selects Selma, Alabama to be area to address voting rights

Sheriff JIm Clark had made it difficult for African Americans in Selma to register to vote

March 7, 1965 50 mile march from Selma to Montgomery began

Sheriff Clark met protestors on Edmund Pettus Bridge and ordered crowd to disperse

What happened next was filmed by news crew - attack was termed "Bloody Sunday"

President Johnson was FURIOUS

voting Rights Acts of 1965

The turning point 
Under this law:
1. federal examiners not local officials would register voters

2. suspend literacy tests

Watt's Riot

Days after Voting Rights Act Passed 
occurred in Los Angeles
riot occurs with allegations of police brutality

14,000 National Guardsmen called in

Lasted 6 days

Outcome: Kerner Commission which was to study the causes of urban riots

Urban Conditions for African Americans:
overcrowded, dirty, drop out rates, crime

Findings of Commission:
blamed racism for inner city problems - suggested creation of inner city jobs, construction of new housing - never comes to be $$$ went to Vietnam War

Malcolm x

Civil Rights Movement
MLK non violent protests did little for economic problems- even when he moved to a slum
apartment in Chicago

Malcolm X speeches and ideas influence a new generation of leaders who preached black power
black nationalism and
economic self sufficiency

1965: Black Panthers formed by Newton and Seale

Black Panthers wanted to
1. end racial oppression
2. control schools, law enforcement , housing , hospitals in their community

Martin Luther King Jr assassinated

April 4, 1968
March 1968: MLK went to Memphis Tennessee to promote economic advancement

April 4 : from hotel balcony killed

civil rights act 1968

Civil Rights Movement
Passed on April 11th:

act contain a fair housing provision outlawing discrimination in housing sales and rentals

Mexico city olympics

April 11, 1968
Tommie Smith and John Carlos give Black Power Salute

Result: suspended from team and stripped of medals

Swann vs charlotte mecklenburg education

follow up to Brown vs Board

9-0 Supreme Court decision

Busing is a effective way to desegregate schools

Movie Fans: This created TC Williams- the movie Remember the Titans comes from this time