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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Photo by Jeff Kubina

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Photo by nattu


  • Body structure: some have hands to help them swim and walk
  • They Have skin that's not scaly but smooth and allows food water and oxygen to get through
  • They have a simple body structure when compared with other amphibians
  • With out moist conditions there bodies would dry out and they would die

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  • Characteristics: all are cold blooded so don't stay the same temperature
  • They also have slimy skin
  • Some frogs can change color with there surroundings
Photo by .sandhu

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  • Reproduction: they lay eggs
  • They reproduce in many different places like water or land
  • There reproduction is more like how fish reproduce then mammals or reptiles
Photo by ggallice

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  • Metamorphosis: frogs go through 3 stages
  • Eggs to tadpoles and finally to frogs
  • Examples: tadpoles, frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, caecilians
Photo by atomicshark


Photo by Rami ™

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  • Reproduction: some lay eggs
  • When the egg is hatched the shell provided with food and water
Photo by arjandijksma

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  • Body structure: some have legs and some don't
  • They shed their skin
  • Turtles and tortesis have shells to protect themselves
  • Babies have an egg tooth
  • Crocodiles have a hard skin to protect them
Photo by Magnus Bråth

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  • Characteristics: have scales/ cold blooded/ backbones/ breath air/ shed skin
  • Snakes fangs can paralyze or make the animal bleed to death
  • Chameleons change color to stay hidden from predators some snakes and
  • Some are constrictors (snakes)

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  • Examples: turtles, lizards, Komodo dragons
  • Dinosaurs, Gila monster, iguana, chameleon
Photo by wallygrom


Photo by blmiers2


  • Warm blooded/ keep same body tempature
  • Have a thick coat of hair (for coldness or to blend in)
  • Backbones
  • 2 pairs of limbs
  • Bats are the only mammal to fly, or have wings
Photo by tinali778


  • Backbones
  • 2 pairs of limbs
  • Head, a trunk (not like an elephants) 2 sets of limbs and lungs
  • Some have antlers
Photo by blmiers2


  • They only give live births


  • Big cats
  • Canines
  • Prime apes
  • Some stay in water there whole life and some stay on land there whole life
Photo by WmPitcher


Photo by blmiers2


  • Have feathers/ beaks/ hollow skeleton/ backbones/ some fly and some don't
  • Warm blooded
  • There beaks are all different depending on adaptation
  • Birds lay eggs in nests
Photo by @Doug88888


  • They all lay eggs


  • Beaks/ 2 legs and 2 wings
  • Some birds can't fly because of their feathers
  • There feathers are used for different purposes
Photo by Axel.Foley


  • There are more types of birds in the world than anything else
  • Large birds/ small birds/ birds that don t fly/ birds that live in water
Photo by monkeyc.net

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