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You can tell a lot about a person based on there favorite cartoon character

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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We like characters we are similar to

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Ever since we were kids, cartoons has been there. From watching The Tiger Movie on our VCR, to bursting into tears during the Lion king, to SpongeBob's annoying laugh. We've grown up with them, and we all have a favourite. Whether it's Adventure Time, or The Flintstones. But did you know your favourite cartoon character can tell a person more about than you think? but it's true!

The 4 Temperaments 

There's a system called the 4 temperaments, that says inside everyone there's 4 fluids. Blood (sanguine), phlegm (phlegmatic), black bile (melancholic), and yellow bile (choleric) each describing characteristics.

Sanguine (blood)

Sanguine (blood) means your hot headed, social, compassionate etc. Donald Ducl for example means well. He's outgoing, and adventurous but can be quickly angered. Same with Buttercup, pickachu, the thing, and raphael.

Phlegmatic (phlegm)

Phlegmatic (phlegm) is calm and easygoing. Your fun, yet shy and indecisive. Take Marge Simpson. She usually keeps her calm (even with Homer as a husband and Bart whose name is literally an anagram for brat.) She always does whatever she thinks is best, even if others disagree with her.

Melancholic (black bile)

Melancholic (black bile) is as you probably guessed based on the characters on the screen, they are the leaders. There very suffisent, organized, but bossy. Take Woody, he's the sharif of Andy's bedroom. He helps them keep everything calm and under control; and never leaves a toy behind. He's got a friend in them.

Choleric (yellow bile)

Last but not least is Choleric (yellow bile). These are the goofy, bubbly, impulsive, out of control and fun to be around! They always have a great time but that's not always a good thing. Sometimes there personality gets into trouble. Like how Homer always seems to destroy everything. But that doesn't mean there not smart. They just tend to go there own way.

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Back on topic, we all seem to latch onto characters we share temperaments with. For example, Let's say your a fan of The Simpsons, impulsive, silly people will like Homer better than people who are more leaders, and perfectionists like Lisa. You can find examples of these temperaments in everyone.

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Characters you like are a reflection on who you are or who you'll become. It doesn't matter if you are phlegmatic but what to be to melancholic, you will like phlegmatic characters better than melancholic.

to represent what i mean i made this photo of Bruce Banner looking into the mirror and seeing his alter ego (the Hulk) who is sanguine. even tho he doesn't want to be Sanguine the hulk is a character that is a reflection of him.

Were all in this together

And it's not just with cartoons but with people in reality like the beatles (top left) and characters in tv shows like in seinfeld (bottom left). These four temperaments can be found in everyone. Look at the 9 pictures, and pick your favorite out of each that your recognize. I bet that all the people you picked if not all, than most of the people you picked are all the same temperament as you!

Real person that look like Ned Flanders 

The reasoning for this dates back to when you are younger. Your favorite tv character shapes you. So let's say you were a fan of Scooby Doo and your favorite character was Fred. The more you watch the show the more you'll be like him when you're older.

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In a matter of fact studies have shown that if you read a book long enough you start to think like your favorite character even if they were just a side kick.
Daily Mail.com says
"Readers who identify with fictional characters are prone to subconsciously adopt their behaviour" Which in a nutshell means that readers who are similar to characters are more likely to act like them.

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When asked on the study author Lisa Libby says 'If you can get people to relate to characters in this way, you might really open up their horizons, getting them to relate to social groups that maybe they wouldn't have otherwise.' And I see her point. Parents can actually help their kids by trying to get them to like characters in certain tv shows.


  • We are more like our favorite character then we think 
  • You are 1 out of 4 temerpents  
  • Studies have shown that we become our favorite cartoon character
We have reached the second to last slide and I wanna recap everything that i have talked about today.
Number 1: We are more like our favourite character then we think
Number 2: We are al 1/4 temperaments and we tend to hang around people who are the other 3
Number 3: Studies have shown we become our favorite characters.
Photo by micronirav

You can tell a lot about a person based on their favorite cartoon character

And my main point. You can tell a lot about a person based on their favorite cartoon character.

Thank you for watching and listen to my Pecha Kucha. Hopefully you figured out what temperment you are and how you in a sense are your favorite character.