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Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Photo by gazzat


  • The rhino has lost its habitat to both people and land cleared for agricultural and commercial uses. For example, in the National Park in Sumatra, forests formerly inhabited by rhinos are being used for coffee and rice settlers. Some populations, such as the Javan, are so small that it is difficult to breed large numbers that are healthy. Natural disasters, such as tsunamis and volcanoes, threaten some rhino populations, as well as humans killing rhinos for its horns.


  • Rhinos are darted from a helicopter, but usually from the smaller reserves A pen is used to mark the point of removal – 7cm from the base of the front horn and 5cm from the base of the back horn a chainsaw or hand-saw is used to cut the horn off horizontally Eyes and ears are covered to prevent noise / disturbance / damage from the saw The stump is trimmed to remove excess horn at the base, then smoothed and covered with Stockholm tar to prevent cracking and drying It gives people money because they are selling their horns as there are rhinos dying from this cause. This is happening because people need the horns for weapons and medicines.


  • We think that it is wrong for people to be killing rhinos for there horns for money. It is common for about 5 or 6 rhinos to be killed each day. There are also many people who are also against this like the people who run this website- https://www.savetherhino.org/rhino_info/thorny_issues/shoot_to_kill they also want to save the rhinos! Also we think because rhinos are endangered that people would not kill them but instead some people don't care and just want the money. Also not many people are aware of the rhinos being endangered when everyone should know so more people are able to help.
Photo by infomatique


  • "Humans were given the responsibility of caring for all of Gods creation with wisdom and love"
  • The Rhinoceros is already becoming extinct, due to humankind failing to realise that these animals have an importance in this world and using them as resources to gain money.
  • I think this is very unfair, these animals haven't threatened us or hurt us unless they feel threatened by us invading their personal space. The most unfair part is that they're using one small part of the rhino (being the horn) and leaving the animal to die.
Photo by Marat Assanov


  • We need to help these rhinos as we have to stop destroying their land and sawing off their horns for weapons and medicines. Not many species are left of the Javan rhinos and we need to stop hunting these animals as they have been declared extinct in Vietnam. Saving rhinos however costs a lot of money, and the effort they have to put in saving one rhino is strapping a harness around the whole animal and airlifting them to safer grounds and police are in danger as there are high risk poaching areas.
Photo by aftab.


  • None was used
  • By Tyra Luisa Mackenzie Natalia
Photo by wwarby