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Mini Portfolio

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Nitrogen cycle

1. It's special because it shoes my greater understanding of the nitrogen cycle.

2. This shows my accomplishments because I created this alone and it shows that I finished this on my own.

3. This shows the SWO personal responsibility because I did it and I made each I link in the picture.

Spanish 2

Spanish test

1. This test is special because I usually do poorly on the test so I was happy I got a B.

2. This represents accomplishment because I studied for this test and it showed that I did.

3. The SWO that this showed was critical thinking because I had to focus on what each sentence said.

Algebra 2

Algebra 2 Function

1. It's special because it I had to be creative and find something that would these functions.

2. This shows accomplishment because I'm usually not creative, but this picture is different.

3. The SWO that was used was critical thinking because I took a while to create this.


Saudi Arabia Brochure

1. This is special because I really like the way it turned out and it was really nice when I finished. I also got a 100 on this.

2. This is accomplishment because I took my time on it and made sure everything was neat.

3. The SWO that represents this is personal responsibility because I did this alone and did well.


AVID Binder Check

1. This is special because I work to keep my binder in order so I was happy to get this grade.

2. This is an accomplishment because I liked getting a positive incentive for my organization.

3. This SWO is personal responsibility because I work to stay organized and that's responsibility.

Personal/Social Growth
Personal- I have learned a lot more and learned to think differently.
Social- I've made more friends and learned things from them

Service Learning
I did a lot of service learning with my tennis team and some with my advisory.

Digital citizenship
I use technology for school use and to learn. I also only use T.V. For different science shows.