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The Odyssey

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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The Cicones
At the island they beat some of their men, took plunder, enslaved women, Odysseus told them to come back but they didn't listen, their army came and attacked them.

The Lotus Eaters
Odysseus and his man land on the island of the Lotus Eaters. His men eat the flower and it makes them not want to go home.

The Island Of Aeolus
Aeolus, the God of the winds, gives Odysseus a bag of wind so he can get home.

Laestrygoniansts is the land of the gigantic Nicolas where all of the ships are destroyed except Odysseus's.

Island Of Circe
Cries land is a beautiful place where he tricks some of Odysseus men and turns them into pigs. With the help of Hermes he saves his men and off the island for along time.

Sirens are half bird, half women. They sing songs and lure men o the rocks off of passing ships

Scylla and Charybdis
Scylla has 6 heads and12 legs and eats men on passing ships. Charybdis lays on the bottom of the ocean floor and makes a whirlpool to drown passing ships.

Odysseus and his men land on an island. They run low on food so they kill and eat the cattle Odysseus told them not to eat.his men die as a result of this.

Calypso's Island
Calypso kept Odysseus for 7 years, only some of them where unwillingly. After. 7 years Hermes came and told them Odysseus had to leave.

The Land of the Phaeacians
Odysseus has a banquet and tells everyone what has happened r him to get back to Ithaca and his adventures.