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Things to remember

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Things to remember

From start to finish

Important aspects to consider

  • Organization
  • Enthusiasm
  • Clarity
  • Teaching strategies

1. Organization

Photo by Andy Ciordia

Arrive on time

Be prepared
Photo by CoffeeCypher

Have a plan for the day

Specify the objectives
Photo by FutUndBeidl

Be flexible

Adapt to specific needs


students about homework, etc.
Photo by Dean Hochman

Finish on time

2. Enthusiasm

Talk with enthusiasm

Photo by Chuckumentary


Photo by Daniel Y. Go

Show interest

Photo by joelwillis

Show respect

Photo by gwaar

Use humour

in an adequate way
Photo by Tortured Mind

3. Clarity

Give examples

explain in different ways
Photo by aplaza70

Answer questions

or maybe research them for the next tutorial
Photo by Eleaf

Share ideas

Photo by Petr Kosina

Use visual aids

Photo by Srta.Gómez

4. Teaching strategies

Photo by tatadbb

Choose a variety

of teaching/conversation strategies

Promote student participation

and discussion
Photo by mattcornock

Guide students

Photo by Calsidyrose

Give positive feedback


Photo by D7eame