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The Expanding Universe

Published on Nov 19, 2015

science project


The Expanding Universe

The Big Bang Theory

Scientist theorize that the creation of the universe began eons ago with a massive explosion that was incredibly hot and dense. Suddenly the entire universe exploded in what is known as the Big Bang. After time it cooled and formed the universe we know.

How our solar system formed

  • A cloud of dust and gas forms a spinning disc.
  • Gas in the center of the disk collapses and forms the sun.
  • The remaining gas and dust forms the planets.
  • Our solar system was finally formed.

What do Astronomers Predict About the Future of the Universe?

Astronomers have three main theories:
#1: The universe will continue to expand and the stars will run out of fuel and burn out, leaving the universe cold and dark.
#2: The force of gravity will begin to pull the galaxies back together the result would be a reverse big bang. The matter in the universe would be crushed into an enormous black hole.

#3: New observations lead many astronomers to believe that the universe will expand forever.

As it stands, there is no way for the human race to be certain about the universes future.

By: Joseph & Diego