"Whatever happens, whether you succeed or you fail, people with high expectations always feel better, because how we feel - when we get dumped or we win employee of the month - depends on how we interpret that event." -Tali Sharot
“For real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men.” -Isabel Allende
“We don’t choose between experiences, we choose between memories of experiences. Even when we think about the future, we don’t think of our future normally as experiences. We think of our future as anticipated memories.” -Daniel Kahneman
“It's hard work that makes the difference. I don't care how smart you are or how smart you think you are. Smart simply means you're ready to learn.” -Freeman Hrabowski
“Inspiration and growth only come from adversity and from challenge — from stepping away from what's comfortable and familiar and stepping out into the unknown.” -Ben Saunders
“Familiarity really is the gateway drug to empathy. Once an issue pops up in your own backyard or amongst your own family, you're far more likely to explore a new perspective on it.” -iO Tillett Wright
“Human life is inherently creative. It's why we all have different resumes. It's why human culture is so interesting and diverse and dynamic.” -Ken Robinson