The Nature of The Christmas Message

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Luke 2:8-20

The Nature of God's Message
Photo by kevin dooley


without warning, it wasn't normal anymore
Without warning

sky lights up - in the middle of the night would be a real shock - like what happens when you are sound asleep and someone comes in and urns the light on......

angels appear -

And this angel talks!

Feels like one of those "close the door" moments....
Photo by cpboingo


We had settled in for the night.......
"it was a night like any other night"

silent uneventful beginning - sheep are in for the night, the oversight schedule is set up and already at work

time of night when the shepherds are settled in for the night

Photo by johnmc17


The Brightness of God's Presence
An angel of The Lord - my guess is Gabriel - the Lord's strong man.....

the light, radiance of the Lord's presence

- His glory
- His weight - OT picture of God's presence

surrounded them - Is bright, al encompassing, impossible to avoid or have to choose to act like He is not there....

One of the ways God communicates his presence visually is through the presence of strong light

God was determined that these unsuspecting shepherds get the message clearly and directly

Starts out as one angel speaking then the sky is filled with thousands and thousands of angels saying in chorus

Glory to God in the Highest! ......remember a few seconds ago these guys were half asleep or doing their best to stay awake during their shift

Photo by harald


Convincing us to get up and move in God's direction
God had this crew of hard working shepherds:

All headed in the same direction
All enthusiastic about the task at hand
All in agreement about who had talked to them
All in a hurry for the same reason
All sharing the same message.....
All praising and worshipping God together

It is truly amazing how it is God who brings us together in agreement, from so many different backgrounds ........


This Christmas as you come together with people from all over the country and perhaps the world the one topic that seems to be drawing people together like never before ....

Reading posts regarding the Duck Dynasty from the gay community and very liberal media outlets.......

They didn't agree with his conclusion
They didn't like his message....and don't necessarily like him

He didn't attack them, declare all gays are going to hell, or belittle their existence - he simply stated his beliefs....and they appreciated that....

For even in disagreement it seems God manages to bring us together......

Photo by misterbisson

Michael Cadrette

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