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My Passion

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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How would I describe hunting?
I would describe hunting just you and the nature. You being up in a tree 15ft high. Listening to the sound of the wind blowing the leafs on the ground. Early in the morning hearing the ducks fly over you in the sky. The sound of the coyotes way inside the woods at night.

Where did my passion came from?
Most of my passion came from my dad, but all my family members like to go hunting. Both of my older sisters are great at hunting. All my family including my mom has a hunting license.

Why am I passionate with it?
It's because I feel really calm in the woods just listening to the animals out there. Nobody disturbing you.

How long has this been my passion?
This has been my passion for as long as I remember, my parents would take me with them when I was small. My dad first let me shoot a deer when I was about ten, and from there on I've loved it. For example my little nephew is barley three and we take him hunting, so he can get used to it already. One of the reasons we take him is so he can get used to the sound the rifle makes. Another reason is so that he doesn't get scared of nature.

How can I get others involved?
I can get others involved by telling them how much I love hunting, showing them pictures of amazing bucks.

Does my passion connect to my future goals?
I don't think hunting could help me with my future goals but it will get me out of trouble.

I've killed two bucks this season, so far so good!!! I've killed one on the 1st and the other 9th.
I don't like to kill any doe's. I've killed five bucks from when I was ten. I would rather go hunting or camping than anywhere else.

This is a deer stand almost the same as we have. It fits two people, we have two of them. It actually keeps you really harm in there.

This is a ladder stand for two people. My dad and me are usually in the ladder one. It holds 500 pounds. It gets really cold too. It's 15 feet high.

" Hunting isn't just something I do, it's part of who I am"