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- The Human face is something that we witness everyday however the construction of which is much more complicated when working within manga form.
- Manga within the Japanese language primarily means Comic within the Japanese language
- The Manga franchise is recognised around the world by children and young adults
- Manga was created within the early 19th century which helped shape japanese culture into modern day society
- Manga was traditionally written and drawn by traditional artists who then once the book was published, translated them into different languages.
- The structure of the normal manga face is different within every novel depending on the artists chosen style.
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The creation and construction of the manga face

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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The creation and construction of the manga face

By Brooke Miller 
- The Human face is something that we witness everyday however the construction of which is much more complicated when working within manga form.
- Manga within the Japanese language primarily means Comic within the Japanese language
- The Manga franchise is recognised around the world by children and young adults
- Manga was created within the early 19th century which helped shape japanese culture into modern day society
- Manga was traditionally written and drawn by traditional artists who then once the book was published, translated them into different languages.
- The structure of the normal manga face is different within every novel depending on the artists chosen style.

Character personalities

- A character's personality is essential towards everything that needs to be included onto the facial structure.
- By writing down what a characters main traits are this can greatly influence what the characters facial layout and construction will look like, also determining whether or not it is a male or Female character.
- The construction of the personality can also impact the style and category the character will be in.
- Shojo manga style is more for a female audience, witch includes less revealing women and more beautiful men
- Shonen manga is more for a male audience which includes large amounts of action as well as heavily revealed women with exaggerated features.
- The categories such as the hero and the villain are very stereotypical yet effectively understood within any audience.
Photo by mr.beaver

The facial structure

- After the personality has be finalised the outline and structure of the face is the next step within development.
- The facial structure is very important when deciphering the positions of were the eyes, mouth etc go, thus getting the construction stage right will help guide where these elements go.
- The structure will determine where the features go however will not restrict what ever style a person prefers, one the structure is there the facial shape can be determined by the artist
- Even though this is a building block, details and knowledge on whhere the eyes sit is still needed
Photo by martinak15

The Facial features

Eyes, Ears, Mouth and Nose 
- The features of the face are extremely important due to the character needing the obvious to see and look normal and the features compliment the characters personality and distinguishes one character from another.
- The proportions need to be in balance due to the face becoming distorted if the proportions are completely different and out of alignment with the original facial layout
- Sometimes over exaggerations are used to add more feeling into the character due to an event that has happened within that moment or to portray the character as cute, the eyes are the most exaggerated features out of the others on the face.
- The face doesn't only establish the characters personality but it also shows the nationality, language and techniques within the construction and line strokes used by the artist.
Photo by camknows

The Hair (Female and male)

- The hair is a crucial part of a character because the hair helps readers distinguish one character from another
- Hairstyles for both male and females can differ from long to short, spiky or straight depending on the style, genre and character
- usually within Shojo, males have medium length hair (Hair to their ears) that is wavy and lushes, this is used because a female audience would see that type of male more prince like and charming, Females often have long hair that is wavy and cute that appeals to the stereotypical high school girl within japan
- Shonen Manga often displays females as exatic and 'big boned' within certan areas of the female anatomy, the hair is usually long and elegant whereas the males are muscular with spiked hair that tends to defy gravity.
- Colour also helps differentiate each character from one another through the tones and shading.

Adding the colours to the character

- usually within manga novels it is rare to have fully coloured pages, however the colour of a character's particular looks and appeals can be displayed on the front cover of within original standstill art pieces.
- colour not only adds life to the drawing but it also helps readers differentiate one character from another
- The use of colour can help indicate where the major light source is within the drawing thus adding depth and skill into the characters development.
- sometimes many stages of drawing and planning are needed to best determine the best colours that would suite a character's hair type, skin tone, clothing etc
- colour can also help readers understand a little more about a characters personality, the colour of their hair and clothing helps determine whether they are hyperactive or calm, hot tempered or leveled headed.

Final/end product

- The final product should look elegant and finalised with slik neat lines and heavy attention to detail
- Through my own experiences with drawing, constructing and colouring manga I have really gotten to love the amount of time and effort it takes to craft a beautiful piece.
- I have discovered that through every piece I construct I become more relaxed and stable, not only is drawing a great hobby but it can also help to get the creative juices flowing and improve an important skill that may be needed later on in life.