When the Israelites got out of Egypt, they started their journey for the Promised Land. They ran out of food and started murmuring against Moses and Aaron
God sent manna and quails for them but they were only allowed to get enough to eat, any leftover became rotten and full of worms, except on the Sabbaths
There's no proof that it's real (because it appeared after the Quails left)
Someone said manna was psilocybe mushroom. For one thing magic mushrooms are small and round, and since they sprout so rapidly they would seem to appear overnight, as if out of the sky.
Quail is a small bird that inhabits woodland and forest areas around the world.
Quails are omnivorous animals.
They tend to have a primarily vegetarian diet eating seeds, wheat, barley, flowers and fruits but they will also eat insects such as worms and grasshoppers.
Coming from Egypt, the Israelites might worship their livestock.
They would need livestock to build a new life in the Promised Land since they were shepherd.
God is faithful and supplies our needs, whatever they are, and it is not always what we want or think that we need. But He knows our greatest needs, and He knows what will sustain us and keep us safe (clothes in 40 years, manna, quails, waterl came from rock,...)