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how we got here

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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how we got here

Origin of Life Theories


  • Svante Arrhenius 
  • A different planet?
  • Meteorites and Comets
  • Evidence
  • Sales Gyon de Montlivant


  • Nonliving Matter
  • Ocean
  • Process
  • John Desmond Bernal

Clay theory

  • A. Graham Cairns-Smith
  • Molecules in clay
  • Clay sticks together
  • Layers

Theory of Consecutive creations

  • Violent events
  • Present is the key to the past
  • Catastrophism
  • Unknown
  • Georges Cuvier and Orbigney

theory of special creation

  • The Almighty
  • Adam and Eve
  • 3 Religions
  • Genesis 1:1


  • Meteorite - Mass of stone that has reached earth from space
  • Comet - A nucleus surrounded by a nebulous coma with a vapor tail
  • Molecule - Group of atoms bonded together 
  • Non-living Matter - Does not move on its own, grow, or reproduce. 
  • Organism - Reacts to stimuli, grows, and maintains homeostasis.