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Domestic Violence

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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  • Emotional
  • Physical
  • Sexual

Emotional abuse
Definition: abusing someone verbally that effects their state of mind.
Example: telling you that your not good enough.

Definition: being violent with another person.
Example: punching or kicking someone.

Sexual abuse
Definition: doing something sexual without the other persons consent.
Example: forcing someone to kiss you.

Emotional abuse:Dawn and John are dating dawn wanted to change her look so she got a new outfit she came to school and John did not like it he told her she looked fat and that she should never wear it again

Physical abuse:dawn and John got into an argument. John was jealous of dawns other friends when he was telling her he didn't want her hanging out with them she didn't agree so he slapped her.

Sexual abuse: after the argument dawn and John had John apologizes but dawn was still mad. John grabs dawn and kisses her and she pulls away and John got mad.

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Cycle of abuse
Tension: the abuser gets angry
Explosion: the abuser explodes and may become violent.
Honeymoon period: they act sorry and say they will change.

Tension:small fights become frequent
Explosion: physical violence.
Honeymoon period: buying flowers and apologizing.

Dawn and John started going out. It started out great until John started to get jealous of her talking to other guys. He would tell her not to talk to them. Dawn was going to help another boy with his homework john flipped out he got violent. Later that day he apologized with flowers.

Warning signs
Dominates:being controlling.Ex:making decisions for the partner.
Humiliates: embarrassing someone mostly on purpose.Ex: telling embarrassing story's about them.
Isolates: keeping a person away from others.Ex: moves them away from everybody.

Warning signs
Threatens: intimidating someone. Ex: threatening to hurt them.
Intimidates: making someone feel uneasy. Ex: brakes things in front of your partner.
Denies and blames: making someone feel responsible for their actions. Ex blame partner for being abusive.

From the app
Be safe: if you feel in danger call 911.
Myth and fact: myth demotic violence only happens in poop family's. Fact 3 to 4 million women are threatened with domestic violence each year.

From the app
Who are the abusers: they usually don't look like abusers they usually do it behind closed doors.
Who are the victims: the victims can be anyone but it is mostly women that are abused.