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Is social networking use in the work place distracting?
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Is social networking use in the work place distracting?

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Is social networking use in the work place distracting?

How much time do employees spend using social media at the workplace?
Is social networking use in the work place distracting?
Photo by Tom Raftery

Most Popular Time Wasting Websites:

  • Did you know that 77% of workers who have a Facebook account use it during work?
  • 64% say they visit non- work related websites everyday during work hours.
The survey was called, Social Networking in the Workplace. The point of the conducted was to determine how much time do employees spend using social media in the work place, 93% of the people who took the survey use Facebook or Instagram.

Dougherty, J. (2013). Is Social Media the Biggest Workplace Diistraction. Retrieved November 14, 2015, from Social Media Today. http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/social-media-biggest-workplace-dist...

Are employees permitted to access social networking sites at work for non business use?

The survey question was, Are employees permitted to access social networking sites at work for non business use? and it concluded that 36% of employees are permitted to use social media for work related business but, 63% of employees that are not permitted to use social media still do. That means that 63% of employees use social media during company hours on company computers. This is a distraction to their work. So are wasted hours might hurt the company in some way?

Create an effective workplace social media policy, to prevent employees from misusing social media at the work place.

The survey concluded that 45% of employers had to take disciplinary action against an employee who misused social media guidelines at the workplace. 55% of employers didn't. So what guidelines should be taken? When do we know when disciplinary action must be taken?

What to do -Create an effective workplace social media policy. Employers should not only provide the rules to employees for social media usage, they should also explain the consequences for violating the social media policy. Some actions may be more serious than others, resulting in termination, rather than just a warning. Employers should ensure that all employees sign an acknowledgement form, stating that the employee has read, understood, and agreed to the policy. The policy should be incorporated into the employee handbook and posted in common areas.

Hamer, S. (2013). Creating an Effective Workplace Social Media Policy. Retrieved November 13, 2015 from, Boomerang BMA. http://www.bna.com/creating-an-effective-workplace-social-media-policy/

Do you monitor the use of social networking at work?

The survey conducted that 36% of employees do monitor the use of social media during work hours, and 63% of employees don't monitor the use of social media.

Should employers monitor their employees social media?
A significant chunk of employees acknowledge posting information that they shouldn't. Strict monitoring allows employers to prevent problems early, and prevent them from getting in trouble that might end in termination.
Photo by transmediale

Do you know how much time on a typical work's day employees spend using social media?

The survey conducted concluded that the average person who uses social media in the workplace, is about 2 hours a day, with the least being 1 hour.

Photo by deanmeyersnet

Should employers block access to social media at work?

To avoid distraction.
Is it a good idea to block access to social media at the workplace? Some companies don't think is a good idea, and some do agree this should be done.

Blocking access to social media in your company networks won’t stop most employees from engaging in the same behavior the blocks were designed to prevent, most employees have smart phones this wont prevent them from using social media during work hours. The reality of it is that social media is here to stay whether or not is a distraction to employees. The best thing to do is create an effective social media policy that employees must sign.
Photo by jan_krutisch