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Cassiopeia Constellation

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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  • Cassiopeia is the leftover of a huge star that blew up about 300 years ago.
  • Schedar is the biggest and the brightest star.
  • Cassiopeia is the 25th largest constellation.
  • Cassiopeia can be found in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • It is the second strongest radio source in the sky.

The Myth
Queen Cassiopeia, and her husband Cepheus had a daughter named Andromeda in Ethiopia. Cassiopeia said that she and her daughter was the prettiest out of all the sea nymphs. The other princesses told Poseidon, the Sea God to punish Cassiopeia. Poseidon called on Cetus, the whale, to kill Andromeda. To save their country they sacrificed Andromeda, because without a Queen and King who would rule Ethiopia. Once when Cetus came, he almost kill Andromeda, but Persues saved her life, and became her husband. Later, the Sea God and his brother Zeus thought that Cassiopeia should be sent into the sky as a constellation, upside down sitting down as her punishment and will suffer the horrible position for eternity.


  • Cepheus
  • Camelopardalis
  • Persues
  • Andromeda
  • Pegasus


  • Triangulum
  • Draco
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Cassiopeia can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere, but can be seen high up in the northern sky, mostly in December evenings at 8:00.

Main Stars

  • Segin
  • Delta
  • Gamma
  • Schedar
  • Caph

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