p32-42 Uphold public well being and private property
p32: state should make sure that the laws and institutions, the general character and administration of the cmw shall be such as of themselves to realize private prosperity.
"Promote to the utmost the interest of the poor"
Follow a moral rule
p33-35 Civil Law applies equally to all
p34: parallel with taparelly: equality is not equal to egality
p35 prime duty of existence: safeguard the community and all its members
p37: Rights
p38 vs violence
p39 balak
p41: religious rights and rest day
Make sure that the laws and institutions, the general character and administration of the commonwealth shall be such as of themselves to realize public well being and private property.
· The interests of all, whether high or low, are equal.
· The State must not absorb the individual or the family. Both should be allowed free and untrammeled action so far as is consistent with he common good and the interest of others.
· Rulers must safeguard the community and all its members.
· Peace and order should be maintained.
· The discipline of family life should be observed and that religion should be obeyed; that a high standard of morality should prevail, both in public and private life.
· Justice should be held sacred and that no one should injure another with impunity.
· The members of the commonwealth should grow up to man's estate, strong and robust and capable, if need be, of guarding and defending their country.
· Rights must be religiously respected wherever they exist.
· The public authority has the duty to prevent and to punish injury and to protect everyone in the possession of his own (though the poor may have a claim for special considerations)
· In matters of private property, the state's duty is to safeguard it by legal enactment and protection, and by keeping the populace within the line of duty.
· The laws should forestall and prevent troubles from arising.
· Safeguard human dignity
· Cessation from work and labor on Sundays and days of rest must be observed, hallowed by religion.