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How Stress Causes Disease - Part 4

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Recognize the five factors that threaten your health and take action to deal with the oxidative cell damage that they cause.


How Stress Causes Disease - Part 4

The Five Stress Factors that Cause Disease
Photo by Andrew Mason

Horton Tatarian, a biochemist, prepared this presentation. A graduate of U.C.L.A. School of Medicine and
U.C. Berkeley, Tatarian writes and curates content at www.Lifesciences.care

Much of the following content is common knowledge,
but some is not, and other viewpoints exist.

Nevertheless, Tatarian's statements
are based on his research and analysis
of scientific findings in the life sciences.

This content is not for disease diagnosis or treatment.
See www.lifesciences.care/disclaimer.

© 2015 Life Sciences LLC. Share this presentation in its entirety.

Five factors threaten
your health.

Each one contributes to
oxidative stress and can damage your cells, tissues, and organs.

Photo by bark

Stress Factors that Cause Disease

  • Excess "Stress"
  • Toxic Matter and Energy
  • Faulty Food Supply
  • Infectious Agents
  • Genetic Factors
Photo by Furryscaly

whether arising from
your thoughts or emotions,

leads to physiological and oxidative stress
through your stress hormones.

Photo by kugel

However, just as the lack of exercise
weakens bones and muscles

insufficient psychological stress
reduces your capacity to handle
normal levels when they arise.

Photo by keirstenmarie

Negative thoughts and emotions,
such as anxiety, fear, and depression,

increase the levels of oxidative stress
in your brain cells.

Photo by tim caynes

Oxidative damage in your brain

can impair your ability to feel and express love and be happy

if not corrected by your cell's repair mechanisms.

Imbalances in your physiology
also induce oxidative stress.

These imbalances include too much or too little
physical and mental activity, sleep and rest,
and other functions, such as the
frequency of bowel movements.

Photo by Andrew Nourse

TOXIC MATTER AND ENERGY impact you from every source imaginable plus some.

Filters cannot stop all toxins
carried by air and water.

Photo by otisarchives3

Most commercial foods carry a toxic load of
pesticides, herbicides, and
genetically modified organisms.

In addition, commercially prepared foods
typically include chemical additives and
toxic byproducts of processing.

Photo by Ivy Dawned

Adverse drug reactions are now the fourth leading cause of death in the USA,

ahead of pulmonary disease, diabetes,
AIDS, pneumonia, accidents,
and automobile deaths.

Toxic energies include radiation from
nuclear fallout, CAT scans,
and radiation therapy,

all of which create free radicals
and oxidative stress.

Toxic energy surrounds you
in the form of an electromagnetic fog

that can disrupt
your cell's magnetic field.

Photo by churchofpunk

Water can carry the energies of toxic substances even after purification.

This occurs in the same way that homeopathic remedies carry imprinted energy although
the original substance is absent.

has reached a critical level.

Most commercial foods carry a toxic load,
and depleted soils yield tasteless,
low-nutrient fruits and vegetables.

Photo by konarheim

Locally grown organic foods
appear more expensive

but are far below the costs of a diseased body and mind.

Photo by yuko_ppp2501

You may also be able
to grow a variety
of seed plants
and vegetables
at home.


but a weakened immune system
is usually the real problem.

Psychological and physiological stress, toxic matter and energy, and a faulty food supply

impair your immune system and increase
your susceptibility to all kinds of diseases,
including the infectious diseases.

Photo by Auntie P

chronic infections burden
your immune system even more,
increase oxidative stress, and
contribute to oxidative damage
throughout your body.

GENETIC FACTORS are often blamed for
the epidemic chronic diseases.

Genetic testing may reveal (or your family history may suggest) an inherited predisposition to diabetes, cancer, or some other degenerative disease.

Photo by ynse

However, current
research indicates that
oxidative damage
is responsible for
most gene dysfunctions.

Photo by Image Editor

Degenerative diseases develop
primarily as a consequence of
excess levels of oxidative stress,

as explained in
How Stress Causes Disease - Parts 1, 2, and 3.

Photo by monteregina

Therefore, as you strive to reduce the
sources of oxidative stress that impact you,

also fortify your antioxidant reserves and promote the repair of oxidative damage
in your body.

Photo by Arya Ziai

A group of scientists developed
a dietary supplement, MMF™,

"to fortify and repair vital body mechanisms that would be challenged by toxins, ionizing radiation, extreme oxidative stress, and similar health threats."

to learn about MMF™
and other excellent supplements.
