Early Life The Earhart's were a well off family enjoying the comforts of life,but their father failed in his private practice. He went to work on the railroads, while Amelia and her sister were left with their grandparents. Later her father had trouble with alcohol and Amelia,her mother and sister left until he could get it under control.
Education In her early life Amelia received education from high class private schools. Later after they left her father they attended private intermediate schools. After school Amelia decided to train as a nurse aid in Toronto Canada.She served as a Voluntary Aid Detachment nurse at a military hospital. In the fall of 1919 Amelia enrolled as a pre-med student at Columbia University.
Occupation Amelia's main occupation was piloting. Because of questionable money it allowed flexibility in scheduling also. This was her calling and we will always remember her as the brave woman she was while doing this.