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Seed Dispersal

Published on Nov 24, 2015

Seed germination and dispersal basics


Seed Germination and Dispersal

by David Meaker

All seeds have an embryo, some stored food and a protective seed coat.

Photo by Vilseskogen

The embryo consists of a root-like structure, a stem and leaves.

The period when seeds begin to grow is called germination.

For germination to occur, moisture, warmth and oxygen need to be present.

Once a seed grows into an adult plant, it will, in turn, reproduce by making its own seeds.

Photo by Martin LaBar

Plants disperse their seeds in a variety of ways.

Animals and birds eat fruits, including their seeds which pass through their digestive systems and are deposited with their faeces.

Photo by pecooper98362

Some seeds have hooks that attach to animals' fur.

Photo by scott.zona

This seed has wings.

Photo by scott.zona

These seeds have parachutes.

Photo by DanielaC173

Some seeds are dispersed by water.

Photo by Da Traveler


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