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Creeping Eruption (Ancylostomiasis)

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Creeping Eruption (Ancylostomiasis)

By: Allie Watson
Photo by VinothChandar

Facts about Creeping Eruption (Ancylostomiasis) :

  • Creeping Eruption is actually known as Hookworms.
  • Hookworms or Creeping Eruption, is a parasite.
  • Female Hookworms produce between 5,000- 10,000 eggs a day

What type of animals get this disease and how do they get it?

  • The most common animals to have this parasite is cats and dogs.
  • They can get it from their mothers milk when they nurse on them.
  • Caused by ingestion or by larval penetration of the skin.
Photo by RadamesM

How it is passed to humans?

  • When they meet bare skin of a human.
  • The hookworms burrow into the skin and enter the bloodstream.
  • They go into the lungs through the bloodstream, then go up the airways.

What are the signs and  symptoms for both animals and humans?

  • Anemia, Weight Loss, Lack of appetite
  • Dry cough, mild fever, itching, rashes
  • Infections, cramping, dizziness
  • Headaches, Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain
Photo by dobrych

What will happen to humans if its not treated?

  • Death
  • Illness
  • Large amounts of infections.
Photo by steelheadwill

What is the treatment for animals and humans?

  • Anabiotic's, medications
  • Anemia can be treated with iron supplements.
Photo by Chapendra

Ways that this disease can be prevented in animals and humans?

  • Limiting direct contact between infected soil and skin.
  • Avoid walking barefoot
  • Avoid touching soil.