"The environment provided by family is the first and and most potent socializing factor for children determining their interactions in the school environment" (Wright & Smith, 1998)
Statistics demonstrated students perform best with both a mother-like and father-like figure. (Nord & West, 1996) Brown ties the research of Wright & Smith with Nord & West to demonstrate parent involvement directly determines student behavior.
Statistical significance revealed in independent samples T-tests of the negative DOJO points from both samples for students with role models and those without.
The one way ANOVAs among the multiple types of male presences along with the positive DOJO points from both data points for those with and without male role models were statistically insignificant.
Results echo the work of Ang: students that do not have a father or father figure that positively and openly values school do not perform in the school environment, conduct and academics alike.
The presence of a male figure significantly affects the success of a child. Parents should be actively incorporated into the school environment and information given educating them on the importance of their involvement.