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Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People

Published on Dec 18, 2015

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Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People

Christen Roper

Massacres like Sandy Hook have caused a major uproar about guns and gun control

Photo by GogDog

But what is the best way to control guns?

Photo by Stefan Baudy

Some say having no guns at all (The Economist).

Photo by kerim

Some are for banning assault weapons only

Photo by Daniel CJ Lee

And some are against gun control, saying it is wrong. (The American Conservative)

Yet firearm fatalities have decreased since 2000 (
The Congressional Digest)

Photo by Jack Thurston

In 2011, guns used in homicides was only 3.2% (The Congressional Digest)

So? What Do We Do?

Photo by djking

Ban guns? Certain guns? Not at all?

Photo by ~Steve Z~