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Political Isolation

Published on Nov 26, 2015

Political Isolation: Taiwan vs North Korea


Political Isolation

Taiwan vs North Korea


  • Taiwan is isolated, because China still claims Taiwan
  • as their own.  Taiwan is politically isolated because of 
  • another country.  
  • North Korea is also politically isolated, but is isolated on 
  • their own will.  


  • In North Korea and Taiwan, they could have similar effects
  •  because they are both politically isolated.  They both broke away
  • from major countries, they have influence from other countries, and they
  • have been involved in major civil wars.  
Photo by Mariano Kamp

Should U.S. anger China?

  • I think that the U.S. shouldn't anger China because we 
  • buy a lot of stuff from them, and we would loose, a lot of 
  • our merchandise from China.