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How Kirkland Has Changed

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by KKfromBB

There was a torn down park with weeds growing all over.

Photo by Poytr

Then people cleaned it up and it is a functional park.

Photo by swisscan

A lot of trees got cut down.

Photo by Werner Kunz

Houses were built in the clearings.

When my grandparents moved into their house there were no trees in their backyard.

Photo by West Zest

Over the years lots of trees have grown in.

Photo by blmiers2

There was a church at the bottom of the hill.

Photo by keeva999

The church caught fire and burned the plants around it.

Photo by Voxphoto

When my grandparents moved there were no flowers in the center of the street.

Now there are a lot of flowers.

Photo by harold.lloyd

My grandparent's neighbors kept there lawn nice and pretty.

Photo by .aditya.

They moved and no one moved in. The lawn is now over grown with weeds.

There was on over grown baseball field.

Photo by CaptPiper

They cleaned up the baseball field.

Photo by k.l.macke

There were a lot of trees cut down.

Photo by 55Laney69

Then they built a church ware they cut down all the trees.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

They had to cut down overgrown bushes.

Photo by ell brown

In that place they put trails for jogging.

Photo by earlycj5

There was a functioning fruit stand.

The stand went out of business and is now overgrown with weeds.

Photo by mlaaker


Photo by hlkljgk