Lawyers with 1 year of post-law school judicial clerkship experience ($60,877) Lawyers who earn advanced law degrees with 1 year of post-law school full-time graduate law study ($60,877) Lawyers with 2 – 3 years of judicial clerkships, or combination of 2 – 3 years of post-law school clerkships, qualifying legal fellowships, or a post-law school full-time graduate law degree program ($72,391)
Advantages Lawyers who graduate from top schools salaries can start at almost $130,000
New Lawyers who join TOP corporate law firms can make nearly as much as $150,000-$170,000 With rates of compensation increasing with seniority lawyers can make up to $200,000
Reason for choosing this job 1.High pay 2.Want to become a respected lawyer 3.I'll be able to buy the nicer things in life 4.I don't plan on having children 5.If I'm going to be boring for the rest of my life i might as well get some money out of it