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English Project

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Question: What would you change with your device?

Answer: Something I would change about my device is the purpose of controlling someone.

Photo by djking

Question: How would you use your device? What would you do with it?
Answer: We would use our device to help and/or benefit someone. We would use it in class depending on the situation. We could also use it to make a person's dreams come true.

Question: Is it ethical to use your device to control others?

Answer: No, we do not believe it is ethical to control someone. We feel like we are taking away someone's willpower and ability to make their own choices.

Question: How might you feel if someone used their remote to control you?
Answer: We wouldn't like having the remote used on us, but that also depends on what button is used. We feel it would take away our freedom to choose.

Photo by dbrekke

Question: Are there ways in which others try to control you in real life?

Answer: Some parents might tell their children how to live their life(what college to go to, who to date, what career to have). Also when people demand things of you, it could feel like you are being controlled for that minute. Or for adults and their bosses, they tell their workers what to do and how to do it, witch would also be considered guidelines/guiding.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Question: Are there ways in which you try to control others in real life?

Answer: Yes, we believe that we all have that sense of control in us, and we all know that we have an inner bossy even if it hasn't come out yet.

Photo by Erik Charlton

Question: Are there words, images, or ideas that you are prevented from accessing?

Answer: At school we aren't allowed to access certain sites, apps, images, or words. But I believe they do that to protect us.

Photo by amortize

Question: Is it okay to prevent people from accessing words, images, or ideas? Why or why not?

Answer: It really depends on what is being prevented from the people.

Photo by Oberazzi

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Photo by naturalturn