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Published on Mar 15, 2016

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  • Visigoths: Conquered Spain in the 5th Century
  • Ostrogoths: Established a Kingdom in Italy in the 5th Century
Photo by bill barber

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  • Visigoths: Conquered Spain in the 5th Century
  • Ostrogoths: Established a Kingdom in Italy in the 5th Century
Photo by bill barber


  • Charlemagne's Reign: Saxon Wars
  • His Son: Louis the Pious takes over
  • Local authorities take over
  • Charles Martel: Carolingian Dynasty
  • Serfs-Peasants
Photo by juandesant


  • Charlemagne: Spent over 30 years trying to conquer Saxons (Saxon Wars)
  • missi dominic: Counts are brought under control
  • Feudalism:refers to the political and social order of societies(Decentralize public Aut)
  • Benefice: Grant-Supported by the vassal 
Photo by mharrsch

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  • Mongols: Karakorum-Capital
  • Chaghatai Khan-Asia
  • Mongols: Golden Horde-Russia
  • Ottoman Turks-Osman


  • Turks: not a homogeneous group
  • Turks: Spread Islam
  • Chingis Khan: Persia (Envoys were murdered)


  • Kublai Khan: Little success in Vietnam, Cambodia
Photo by mksystem

High Middle Ages

  • Holy Roman Emperor/Pope: Strained Relationship (Power)
  • Emperors wanted to influence the selection of Church Officials
  • Italian State: Made up of City-States: Venice
Photo by Etrusia UK


  • Norman Invasion: 1066
  • Leader: William of Normandy
  • Battle of Hastings: Southern England

European Christianity

  • St. Thomas Aquinas: Italian Dominican Friar
  • Existence of God didn't depend on one's faith
  • He believed it was possible to prove rationally that God exists
Photo by rocor