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Invasion Of Pearl Harbor

Published on Dec 02, 2015

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The action of appeasing.

Remaining apart from other groups.

Lend-lease Act -
Principal means for providing u.s military aid to foreign nations during WW|.

Invasion of Manchuria -
When Japan invaded Manchuria .

Invasion of Czechoslovakia-
1968 , the Soviet Union led Warsaw.

Invasion of Poland-
Action by Germany that began ww||

Battle of Britain-
The name given to the second world ear air campaign waged by German Air Force

Invasion of Soviet Union-

Major battle in ww|| in which Germany fought the Soviet Union for control of the dirty Stalingrad

Day in which combat attack or operation is to be initiated.

Pearl- Harbor;
A major United States naval base in Hawaii that was attacked without warning by Japanese Air Force.

Island hopping-
Military strategy employed by the allies.

Hiroshima- Capital of Hiroshima prefecture. When the first bomb exploded by Germany

Capital & the largest city in japan.
The second city to get bombed by japan.

Final solution-
The nazi government had abolished the Jews right, destroyed property, and confused Jews in concentration camps.