James Scobie's Death:
James Scobie was a Ballarat gold miner who was murdered in the Eureka hotel. The murderer was Bentley, he was the owner of the Eureka Hotel. Eventually he got the blame, but the cops suggested that Bentley was forgiven and it was James's fault. The other miner thought it was unfair a also thought about getting their rights. So an army of miners made a huge bonfire and burnt all their licenses. Which cause the Eureka Stockade😦😧
Meeting on Bakery Hill:
Bakery Hill is also very memorial and historical place. It was a day before the Eureka Stockade. Here they swore the eureka oath. The miners fought for victory (reclaim respect and to be listened to. And the cops fought to protect themselves.the new leader elected by the miners named Peter Layor. POuOEd