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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Air- the invisible gasses substance surrounding the earth, mixture of mainly oxygen and nitrogen.

Photo by kevin dooley

Composition of atmosphere -
The particles and the concentrations of the particles in the protective envelope surrounding the earth.

The lowest region of the atmosphere, extending from the earths surface to a height about 3.7-6.2 miles

The layer of the earths atmosphere above the troposphere about 32 miles (50 km)

The region of the earths atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere between 30 and 50 miles in altitude.

The region of the atmosphere above the mesosphere and below the height at which the atmosphere ceases to have the properties of continuous medium.

Ionosphere -
The layer of the earths atmosphere that contains a high concentration of ions and free elements.

The outermost region of a planets atmosphere.

Ultraviolet Radiation-
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum where wavelengths are shorter.

A colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful oxidizing properties.

Green house effect -
The trapping of the Suns warmth in a planet slower atmosphere due to the greater transparency.

Global warming-
A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earths atmosphere generally attributed to the green house effect.