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1:1 Devices: Wisdom or Folly?

Published on Nov 19, 2015

A music teacher's perspective on 1:1 devices and achieving balance between device time and unplugged time.


1:1 Devices: Wisdom or Folly?

from a Music teacher’s perspective

The Ideal Ratio

Why to Go 1:1

Why to go 1:1

  • Each student gets hands on experience
  • Each student can go at their own pace
  • Each student's voice is heard

When to go 1:1

When to go 1:1

  • Skill based apps paced for individuals
  • Individual composition exploration
  • Student response systems
  • Summative assessments
  • Exit ticket check-ins

Why to share devices

Photo by Kathy Cassidy

Why to Share Devices

  • Experience with collaboration
  • Less pressure creating as a group
  • More interaction and idea sharing
  • Learning from peers (guide on the side)

When to share devices

When to Share Devices

  • Composition or problem-solving projects
  • Formative assessments
  • Team-based review games
  • Instrument practice stations (recorder)

Why to unplug

Photo by Alex Ristea

Why to unplug

  • Practicing the skill authentically
  • Unplugged collaboration and interaction
  • Show what you know
  • Build a strong foundation first

When to unplug

When to Unplug

  • Making music on real instruments 
  • Creating or practicing movement
  • Learning through exploration and play
  • Practicing writing notation
  • Practicing being part of an ensemble