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Vocabulary Unit 7

Published on Feb 06, 2016

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  • Noun
  • Synonyms: summit, top, peak, pinnacle
  • Antonyms: low point, bottom, nadir
  • At the end of the fifth day, the hikers finally reached the literal and figurative acme of their trip: the summit.
Photo by benaston


  • Noun/verb
  • Synonyms: (n.) trait; (v.) ascribe
  • Her perky face and quirky personality were some attributes that made her loved
  • by her family and friends.
Photo by B.Riordan.


  • Verb
  • Synonyms: minimize, underrate, disparage
  • Antonyms: exaggerate, magnify, overestimate
  • His fellow workers laughed at him and belittled him because of his peculiar working techniques.


  • Verb
  • Synonyms: carry, send, impart
  • Her stern gaze conveyed her obvious displeasure at our antics.


  • Noun
  • Synonym: policy
  • Church doctrine says that we believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior.


  • Verb/noun
  • Synonyms: (v.) cut out, expunge, delete
  • Antonyms: (v.) put in, interpolate, insert
  • The doctors needed to expunge the splinters that were embedded in her arm.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: strange, alien, picturesque, colorful
  • Antonyms: native, indigenous, familiar, commonplace
  • We visited the exotic land of India and saw wonderful sights, such as the Taj Mahal.
Photo by Tim Moffatt


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: drawn, gaunt, wasted, exhausted
  • Antonyms: healthy, glowing, hale and hearty, radiant
  • When we went to see our sick cousin, his demeanor was haggard and he was looking
  • unlike his usual upbeat self.


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: unconcerned, lighthearted
  • Antonyms: downcast, dejected, glum
  • His jaunty attitude and innocent grin masked the fact that he was an
  • insufferable child,


  • Noun
  • Synonyms: union, seam, joint, turning point
  • The juncture between the femur and the tibia was damaged when she broke her leg.
Photo by liverpoolhls


  • Adjective/noun
  • Synonyms: (n.) underling, scullion, servant, subordinates
  • Antonyms: (adj.) lofty, elevated, grand; (n.) boss, master
  • Scrounging for food outside the castle walls, the menials fought over the meager scraps.


  • Verb/noun
  • Synonym: (v.) deflect
  • Antonym: (v.) attract
  • With a swift flick of her wrist, she casually parried the knight's attack and caused his sword
  • to fly out of his hand.
Photo by rahook2000


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: looting, pillaging, ravenous, rapacious
  • Tigers have a predatory instinct when it comes to hunting and defending their territory.
Photo by fPat


  • Verb/noun
  • Synonyms: (v.) wreck, devastate, demolish
  • Antonym: (v.) spare
  • Time has ravaged the old, decrepit building that now stands, sagging, on the deserted
  • street.


  • Noun
  • Synonyms: posture, bearing
  • The batter's stance reflected his trainer's comments and tips and helped him get a better
  • swing.
Photo by dcJohn


  • Adjective
  • Synonyms: loud, gaudy, tacky, vulgar
  • Antonyms: refined, tasteful, subdued, muted
  • His parents scolded him and said that he shouldn't wear tawdry clothing to the dinner
  • part.


  • Noun
  • Synonyms: quisling, deserter, renegade, traitor
  • Antonyms: loyalist, diehard
  • One of my missions was to find and defeat the turncoat soldiers that were attacking our allies.


  • Adjective
  • Antonyms: conceited, pretentious, self-important
  • The child's unassuming demeanor showed that, while she took pride in her
  • accomplishments, she didn't feel the need to brag about them.


  • Verb/noun
  • Synonyms: (v.) delight, bask in
  • We all laughed at the hilarious sight of the giant water buffalo that was wallowing in the
  • mud pit.
Photo by Noodlefish


  • Verb
  • Synonyms: hesitate, falter
  • Antonyms: stand firm, be resolute
  • As the gentle wind whispered and sighed, the candle flames wavered and shuddered
  • until it had passed.