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Religion Chp 16

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The Assyrians forced the people of Judah to watch false gods.

Poverty, suffering, and injustice began to spread in Judah as they had in the northern kingdom.

Photo by geezaweezer

A vocation is a way of living our faith.

Photo by powazny

King Hezekiah removed foreign items from the Temple.

Photo by Dinh Linh

Micah warned the both kingdoms would be destroyed, but God would welcome his people back and forgive their sins through a new David.

In 587 B.C. the King of Babylon invaded Judah a third time. He 
destroyed Jerusalem, including the Temple, and deported more people to 
Babylon. The people of Judah were in exile.

A vocation is God's call to serve him. In Jeremiah's case, it 
was a call to be God's prophet.

Photo by vanil.noir

Blasphemy is a thought, word, or act that refers to God 
without respect or reverence.

Photo by jmtosses

The prophetic writing in the Book of Baruch was similar to that of Jeremiah.

Photo by Mrs4duh

Micah spoke out against false prophets. He preached that goodness lies in the practice of social justice an in faithfulness to the one true God.

Photo by matthileo