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Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

whg u.3.2.1

Italy's Advantage

*the Renaissance was a time of creativity and learning in Europe; rebirth
*trade had grown throughout the Crusades and many towns and cities developed in Italy
*those who survived the plague looked to live their life to the fullest, this caused them to question the Church because they asked people to live lives of suffering
*workers demanded high wages and merchants had time to pursue other interests like art
*Italy was ruled by city-states; many people were involved in politics and power was based on wealth, not blood
*England and France lagged behind in the Renaissance because they were locked in battle during the Hundred Years’ War
*this was also a time where people were looking back to the learning of the Greeks and Romans; ruins and manuscripts were all around them
Photo by Zepfanman.com

Italy's Advantage

*the Renaissance was a time of creativity and learning in Europe; rebirth
*trade had grown throughout the Crusades and many towns and cities developed in Italy
*those who survived the plague looked to live their life to the fullest, this caused them to question the Church because they asked people to live lives of suffering
*workers demanded high wages and merchants had time to pursue other interests like art
*Italy was ruled by city-states; many people were involved in politics and power was based on wealth, not blood
*England and France lagged behind in the Renaissance because they were locked in battle during the Hundred Years’ War
*this was also a time where people were looking back to the learning of the Greeks and Romans; ruins and manuscripts were all around them

Italy's Advantage

*the Renaissance was a time of creativity and learning in Europe; rebirth
*trade had grown throughout the Crusades and many towns and cities developed in Italy
*those who survived the plague looked to live their life to the fullest, this caused them to question the Church because they asked people to live lives of suffering
*workers demanded high wages and merchants had time to pursue other interests like art
*Italy was ruled by city-states; many people were involved in politics and power was based on wealth, not blood
*England and France lagged behind in the Renaissance because they were locked in battle during the Hundred Years’ War
*this was also a time where people were looking back to the learning of the Greeks and Romans; ruins and manuscripts were all around them

Classical and Worldly Views

*Greeks and the Romans had lived before the time of the Bible so their works looked at human potential, not the potential of God; humanists
*many people of the Middle Ages lived simple lives to show their piety; in the Renaissance secular ideas flourished and people began to show their wealth
*one way to do this was to patronize the arts; having your portrait done was a status symbol
*education was the goal and it lead to creation; people wanted to master all areas of study; Renaissance men and women
*women were expected to learn but not gain fame
Photo by @bastique

Classical and Worldly Views

*Greeks and the Romans had lived before the time of the Bible so their works looked at human potential, not the potential of God; humanists
*many people of the Middle Ages lived simple lives to show their piety; in the Renaissance secular ideas flourished and people began to show their wealth
*one way to do this was to patronize the arts; having your portrait done was a status symbol
*education was the goal and it lead to creation; people wanted to master all areas of study; Renaissance men and women
*women were expected to learn but not gain fame

Classical and Worldly Views

*Greeks and the Romans had lived before the time of the Bible so their works looked at human potential, not the potential of God; humanists
*many people of the Middle Ages lived simple lives to show their piety; in the Renaissance secular ideas flourished and people began to show their wealth
*one way to do this was to patronize the arts; having your portrait done was a status symbol
*education was the goal and it lead to creation; people wanted to master all areas of study; Renaissance men and women
*women were expected to learn but not gain fame