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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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why and how
Photo by DecoByDesign

Fasting is something that most churches do, so let me clarify witch one I am going to talk about: Mormons

Photo by arbyreed

Fasting in the Mormon church is kind of like prayer. When you want something, you pray, and then you may or may not get it.

Photo by Connor Tarter

When God gives you a "No" give him a "thank you". He was protecting you from less than his best.

Photo by Great Beyond

When you fast you go without eating for a certain amount of time

Photo by a4gpa

For my family when you turn 8 you start fasting for half of the day (until 12 o'clock)

Photo by frances1972

When you turn 12 you start fasting until 4:00.

Photo by ginnerobot

And once your are an adult you fast 2 meals.

Photo by djwtwo

Now my dad fasts every Sunday. Most people don't do this, but for my dad's own privite reasons he does.

Photo by DafneCholet

I fast once a month. So does my younger brother and sister.

Photo by Herr Olsen

On the first Sunday of every month there is "Fast Sunday"

Photo by VinothChandar

On "Fast Sunday" there is "Fast and Testimony Meeting" were there are no planned talks. If you want to, you get up and share a story that made your testimony stronger, or just share your testimony.

Photo by Ian Muttoo

No one is telling you that you HAVE to fast. Exept maybe your mom.

Photo by mdanys

But if you have a problem, go on and fast.

Photo by Zach Dischner