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Discussion Roles

Published on Dec 13, 2015

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Discussion ROles

What to do during literature circle discussions.
Photo by JD Hancock


  • Write 4 discussion questions ahead of time.
  • Make sure everyone participates.
  • Make sure the discussion stays on topic.
  • Make sure no one person talks too much.


  • Take notes during the discussion.
  • Save the notes in Evernote.
  • Email the notes to Ms. May after.
  • Label the notes with your class #.


  • Keep track of everyone's participation.
  • Use the rubric to grade each person.
  • Turn in the rubrics to Ms. May.
Photo by thebarrowboy


  • EVERYONE in the group must participate.
  • Respond to the Facilitator's questions.
  • Come to the discussion prepared.
  • Use text evidence to support your ideas.
  • Respond to your classmates.
Photo by Pixland