In 2006, two Lebanese men tried to bomb two commuter trains in Cologne, Germany
The Bombers' Plan
• The bombers planned to kill thousands by bombing two of the commuter trains in Cologne
The Bombs
•The plans were found on the internet
• They were made from propane barbecue canisters to be triggered with gasoline and makeshift detonators
• They cost about € 200-300 to make
The Bombers
• Youssef Mohamad El Hajdib
• 21 at the time of the bombing
• Arrested on August 19, 2006
• Sentenced to life in German prison
His Accomplice
•Jihad Hamad
• 20 at the time of the bombing
•He was a member of Al-Qaeda •Fled to Lebanon and tried to hide with his family
• A week later, he was sentenced to life in prison
Their Motive
• A controversial political cartoon displaying Muhamad which they say as an attack on Islam
• The killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Why is this Relevant?
• It helped Germany become more aware of terrorism and help to fight it
• There has not been a terrorist attack in Germany
Am 19. August 2006 hat Youssef Mohamad El Hajdib und sein Komplize Jihad Hamad versucht, einen S-Bahn in Köln Deutschland zu bombardieren. Sie fanden heraus, die Pläne für die Bombe im Internet und machte sie aus Propan Grill Kanister mit Benzin und behelfsmäßigen Sprengkapseln , die etwa 200 Euro kosten , damit ausgelöst werden.
Die Bomben ging nie aus, aber sie geplant hatten , um Tausende zu töten. Ihr Motiv war eine Reaktion auf einige offensive politische Mohammed-Karikaturen und die Tötung von Al- Qaida -Führer Abu Mussab al-Sarkawi . Beide erhielten lebenslänglich . In Deutschland gibt es kein Terroranschlag seit.
- They were originally targeting the World Cup
- El Hajdib shot double birds at the judge
- Jihad Hamad used to attend a Christian school
- This event helped discover an Al-Qeada cell in Germany
- Used luggage to place the bombs on the train
- Polizei - police
- Hauptbahnhof - main train station
- Bombe - bomb
- S-Bahn - commuter train