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Oedipus Rex

Published on Oct 27, 2016

Oedipus Rex


Oedipus Rex

By Ravi Stimphil
Photo by MNijland


  • Oedipus, the king of Thebes, the main character,
  • Creon, brother of the queen
  • Tiresais, a blind prophet
  • Jocasta, wife of the king
Photo by Claudio.Ar

Family Tree

  • Oedipus, child of Jocasta and Laius
  • Jocasta, wife and mother of Oedipus
  • Antigone and Ismene, daughters of Oedipus
  • Laius, father of Oedipus, die by him
Photo by davinaware

Bit of Histroy

  • Oedipus Rex was written by Sophocles
  • Said to be his best play
  • It was made about 430 b.c. in Athens, Greece.
Photo by plattbridger

Setting of Oedipus Rex

  • Place where the story takes place Thebes, Greece, in the paclce.
  • The people of Thebes mainly worship Apollo
Photo by kevin dooley

Thing as too much knowledge

  • Oedipus wants to look great by stopping a plague in his city
  • He wants to know the person who caused it.
  • He says that who did it will be punished
  • After much persists, Tireais tells Oedipus it is him who caused it.
  • So he is punish

Literary Devices, Opposites

  • In Oedipus Rex there is a fight between opposites, like darkness vs. light, blind vs. seeing, and etc.
  • Q: Oedipus "And where on earth are they? Where shall be found, This dim-seen track-mark of an ancient crime" "Well, I will have it all to light again
  • diametrically different; of a contrary kind.
Photo by martinak15


  • Jocasta: What
  • Throughout the book, there are many arguments between relatives, superiors, king and prophet, and husband and wife
Photo by duane.schoon

Quotes of Theme: Self Control

  • Oedipus: Not to myself Creon: No more you ought to me! Oedipus: You are a traitor
  • Oedipus: Are these inventions Creon's work or your? Tiresias: Your bane is no-ways Creon, but your own self.
  • Jocasta: What stress of trouble is on you, that you say so? Oedipus: I thought I heard you say Laius was slain Where three road meet!
Photo by Etrusia UK

Work Cited

  • Photos by MNijland, Claudio.Ar, davinaware, plattbridger, kevin dooley, Wiertz Sébastien, martinak15, duane.schoon, Etrusia UK, niXerKG
Photo by niXerKG