Copy of Shared Mgmt Generations

Published on Aug 10, 2016

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Managing the Big 5

March 28, 2019
Photo by tedeytan

Lyndi Zavy

VP Organizational Development


  • Understand the demographics of the 5 generations
  • Discuss the viewpoints, values and work styles of the 5 generations
  • Discover what Generation Z wants at work
  • Understand how to leverage differences to work together
Photo by harmi2009

Think about someone younger

What do you admire about them?
Photo by Sunfrog1


Some items you are about to see may be offensive
Photo by digitalnoise

What Makes a Generation?

  • Formative events
  • Collective memory
  • Demography shifts affecting resources
  • Mentors and leaders

Veterans/Silent/Greatest Generation

  • Born 1922-1945
  • 2% of workforce
  • Defining moments: WWII, Great Depression

Baby Boomers

  • Born 1946-1964
  • 29% of workforce
  • Defining moments: JFK, Civil & Women's Rights
Photo by Ed Yourdon

Generation X

  • Born 1965-1980
  • 34% of workforce
  • Defining moments: AIDS, Challenger Incident
  • Increasing comfort with technology

Millennials/Generation Y

  • Born 1981-1996
  • 34% of workforce
  • Defining moments: April 19th, September 11th
  • Technology in pre-K
Photo by afagen

Generation Z

  • Born 1997-2010
  • 1% workforce
  • Defining moments: 2008 recession, Obama's presidency
  • True digital natives

What do you wish

others knew about your generation?

First time in history

to have so many generations in the workplace
Photo by Malinkrop

Why the Buzz on Y?

Just when you thought it was safe...

Photo by Serge Melki

72.8 million Strong

Photo by Leo Reynolds

5 Things to Know

  • Raised by Gen-X Parents in Great Recession
  • Millennials they are not
  • FOMO
  • Customized lives
  • Independent

Disrupting Education

  • 61% want to know what they want to do before pursuing college
  • Concerned about paying
  • Want to see a connection between learning and earning
  • Traditional degree paths don't fit
  • Sage on a stage to guide on the side
Photo by sickmouthy

Gen Z at Work

Photo by Nanagyei


  • Money and job security are top on the list
  • Looking for multiple career paths
  • Hyper-customized roles
  • "Who works 9-5 anymore?"


  • Support the side hustle
  • Listen to their ideas
  • Looking for long-term careers
  • Face-to-face communication is back!
Photo by Threthny

Now What?

Photo by jumping lab

Leveraging Our Differences

Photo by illustir

Common Values

  • Feeling respected
  • Being heard
  • Opportunities for mentoring
  • Understanding the big picture
  • Effective communication
  • Positive feedback
  • Exchanging ideas
Photo by kevin dooley

Generation or Lifecycle?

Photo by CucombreLibre


Photo by djking

Lyndi Zavy

Haiku Deck Pro User